Category Archives: Introduction

What This Website is About

Copy-2-of-CIMG0019-212x300I have wanted to write all my life, but I could never bring it off. I didn’t know why, but I just could not sit down and do it.

When I was 59, I was diagnosed with ADD. What I thought was my fatal flaw turned out to be some weak wiring in my brain. With some cognitive therapy and medication, I can now write. Some.

The other problem with writing is that I am having trouble adjusting to retirement. I need structure in my life and work provided that. I have a part-time job, but there is very little work in the cold months. So, how to get structure?
1. Make a plan for the week.
2. Shoes on in the morning.
3. A set of goals that are reflected in the plan.
4. Get out of the house to write. Coffee shop.
5. Regular exercise.
6. Cook.
I have these goals and sometimes I actually follow them. Another big help is the writer’s meetup I attend every other week. I have also enrolled in a memoir writing class.

What is happening?  The website is up, and has content.  I plan at least one new post every week.  There may be more.  Stay tuned.